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작성일 : 22-11-14 19:14
[일본] 유투브를 보다가 댓글을 영어로 달았더니만 왜인들이 개떼처럼 달라 들어 공격하길래...
 글쓴이 : 윈도우폰
조회 : 1,950  

처음에는 다음과 같이 댓글을 담

Jomon was not a culture but a primitive state. The Yayoi began by the people passed through the Korean Peninsula. At the late years of Yayoi there were lots of colonial states or branches of the Korean acient kindoms (in Korean Peninsula) such as Izumo of Silla people, Yamatai of Gaya people, and Yamato of Baekje people. Tsushima island never belonged to Japan before modern times. Wa(倭) at this time was consist of northern tip of Kyushu and the southern coast of the Korean Peninsula. Wa people were the ancestors of the Japanese, but this period corresponds to the culturally inferior small countries belonging to the central state in southern Korean Peninsula.

그랬더니만 별의 별 건으로 공격해 들어오고...그래서 나도 계속 댓글로 싸움...처음에는 영어로...그 다음에는 일어로...다시 영어로... 피곤해서 싸우다가 지쳐서 내가 한 말을 최종적으로 정리(파파고의 도움을 좀 받아서^^)

어쨌든 괜히 열받아서 영어랑 일어 작문 연습하게 됨^^

그리고 혹시 아래 조악한 일어나 영어의 내용을 알고 싶으면 복사하여 파파고에 붙여 넣으면 대충 댓글 의도를 알 수 있을 듯^^

Reply to カリメロハット & J I 1.両者とも歪曲された歴史意識で隣国を卑下する嫌韓論者に見える 見かけはかなり知識人のふりをするが偏狭な情報に依存して論理を説く。 そして、自分が知っていることが普遍的真理と勘違いするのに典型的な日本人の姿を見ることができるというか。これまで意見交換した内容をまとめると次のようなので、読んで悟りがあればいいな。

2。韓国の歴史が諸侯国だったということ自体がナンセンスだ。 vassalstateは後進的な政治体制である封建体制の概念で、韓国は封建体制を経ていない。 封建制に慣れている日本人は、他の国も後進的な封建制と見てそう見えるだけ。 後進的な封建制を近世まで維持したのは、日本が政治的に未熟だったためだ。 韓国は独立した王国で、番國概念の諸侯国ではない。 諸侯国が廟号を使わない 東アジア体系で形式的諸侯国を自任したのが韓国とベトナムだったが、日本は東アジア世界体制に属さない辺境野蛮国家に過ぎない。

3。日本は5世紀に入って初期形態の古代国家が登場し、百済が滅びる7世紀までは百済の諸侯国だった。 これは七支刀の銘文にあるように、百済の王世子が候王である倭王に七支刀を授けるほど位階の差があるが、日本はこれを献上したと歪曲している。 このような歪曲された歴史観で自国と他国の歴史を見るため、日本が知っている歴史的常識が正確ではない。日本の古代国家の形成時期はいつだと思うか。 中小君長国家時代を古代国家と見るのか。 ヤマトが果たして古代国家体制をいつ整えたと思うのか。 韓国は三国時代以前の君長国家時代であり、古朝鮮および三国が高度な古代国家体制を整えた。 その時期、日本は石や木で狩猟採集していた原始時代だった。

4。5世紀に入って倭人が登場するが、この当時倭人は日本の島に住む人だけでなく、中国東部海岸の一部地域、韓半島南部海岸街、そして九州地域の入れ墨をする人のこと。 新羅本紀に登場する倭人は、日本の島から来た人ではなく、韓半島南部地域の倭人で、現在の日本の祖先とは無関係。 彼らが敗れ、後に日本の島に逃げ出し、日本人の祖先になっただけで、日本の神話のような歴史書で言うように、日本の島から渡って新羅を攻撃したわけではない。 小舟に乗って海を渡るほど日本列島に住む倭人の造船術が優れていたと考えるのが面白い発想。

5。韓国が中国に貢女を送ったということをsexslaveと言うが、毎年数百人の貢女は中国皇室の侍女や皇帝の妃や嬪、貴族の妾だった。 sexslaveで自国の女性を売った国は日本だ。 戦国時代には50万人をヨーロッパにsexslaveで売り、明治から大正時代には30万人をヨーロッパに認識売買した。 そして第二次世界大戦後はアメリカ軍に自国女性を売春で数十万人日本政府主導で供給した。 sexslave概念は日本にだけ発展した概念で、このような概念で公女を見るのが日本人たちだ。sexslaveという概念で軍慰安婦を作ったのがまさに日本であり、これを否定して謝罪しない日本が果たして国際社会で認められる余地があるだろうか。

6。日本人は近世以前まで民族概念がなかった。 中央集権的国家を構成できなかった日本が何の日本人か。 そして外部の侵略を受けたことのない人々が自国と他国に対する区分意識があるはずがない。 そして5世紀に入ってから日本人を倭人と呼び始め、その前はただの原始人だった。 特に縄文人は原始人。 そのような原始人を韓半島からの到来人たちが文明化させてくれたのだ。当時、鉄を生産できず、韓半島から鉄を輸入した日本が、どのように鉄器兵器を持った新羅を征服できると考える。 5世紀に日本が鉄を生産できたのか? 神話のような日本の歴史書をそのまま信じる日本人だけが受け入れられる話に過ぎない。

7。日本という名称はもともと百済を意味したもの。 日本は日が昇る場所で、中国側から眺める日本は韓半島の西海岸だ。 現在の日本の地から見る日本はハワイくらいになる。 日本の歴史書にも日本国名の起源を百済の名称を借用したものとしている。 日本は昔から自分のものなし。 皆他人のものを自分のように主張し、その中ででたらめな歴史で自分を合理化しているのだ。

8。DNAを多く話すが、DNAが民族を説明することはない。 そして文明は逆に流れていない。 韓国人のDNAが日本に混ざったのは事実だが、その反対は成立しない。 鉄器文明を持つ韓半島の人々が建てた強力な古代国家が石器時代に生きた倭人たち、部落民に支配されるというのは話にならない。 そういう小説を信じる日本人が多いというのが本当に問題だ。 韓国人の到来がなかったら、5世紀まで日本は原始時代だっただろう。 倭人の文明的開花を助けた韓国に感謝すべきではないだろうか。とにかくアイヌや縄文人である日本の原形質を構成すると思うか知りたい。 そして韓半島を飛び越えて中国からすぐ日本列島に人々が来られると思うか? 海流はそんなに流れないんだけど?

9。中国が韓国領土を支配したことはほとんどない。 そしてモンゴルも同様。 政治的には中国とモンゴルの下にいたとしても支配されたことはない。 韓国はモンゴルの駙馬國として存続し、クビライカンの末娘が高麗の王妃になる条件として高麗がモンゴル体制に入ったのだ。 高麗がモンゴル体制に入る前、30年間戦って和解したのだ。 いずれにせよモンゴル皇帝の駙馬として高麗王の皇位継承順位は10位以内だったほど位置がしっかりしている国だった。

10.日本は明治時代まで中央集権体制を構築できなかった後進的な国家だった。 言葉がよく封建幕府時代であって、力のある者が権力を握る国であり、外では盗賊行為、海賊行為で隣国に被害だけを与えた国である。 外では海賊行為をし、内では喧嘩ばかりしてきた日本がアジアの先進文化国家だったということは、日本人の自己満足に過ぎない妄想だ。 韓国から伝来していない日本独自の文化が果たしてあるのだろうか。 ただ日本は韓国との関係を持って否定するから分からないのであり、歴史を自己中心に眺めるから偏狭なのだ。

이를 다시 영어로..

Reply to カリメロハット & J I 1. Both seem to be anti-Koreanists who despise neighboring countries with distorted historical consciousness, but they rely on narrow-minded information to explain logic, and can you see typical Japanese people who mistake what they know for universal truth?

2. It is nonsense in itself that Korea's history has been a vassal state for the whole period of time. vassal state is the concept of a European feudal system, in some sense, a immatured political system, and Korea has not passed through a feudal system. The Japanese, who are accustomed to feudalism, seem to think that other countries are also immatured feudal systems. Japan maintained a immatured feudal system until modern times because of its political immaturity. Korea is an independent kingdom, not a de facto vassal state at all. Although Korea and Vietnam claimed to be formal vassal state under the East Asian system , however, always idependent country, Japan is only a frontier barbaric country that does not belong to the East Asian world system.

3. Japan was a vassal state of Baekje until the 7th century when the early forms of ancient states emerged in Japan island. And when Baekje was destroyed in 8th century, Japan started their own history. This is a distortion of the distinction that the vassal state of Baekje gives the king of Wa(倭王), a seven-pronged sword(七支刀), as it is in the prestigious family. Japan's historical common sense is not accurate because it looks at the history of its own country and other countries through such distorted views of history.

4. In the 5th century, Japanese appeared, and at that time they were not only people who lived on Japanese islands, but also people who tattooed and lived in parts of eastern coast of China, southern coastal areas of the Korean Peninsula, and Kyushu of Japanese island. The Japanese who appeared in the Silla Period were not from Japanese islands, but from the southern part of the Korean Peninsula, and had nothing to do with their ancestors. They were defeated and later fled to Japanese islands, but did not cross Japanese islands to attack Silla. It is an interesting idea to think that the shipbuilding skills of the Japanese living in the Japanese archipelago were excellent enough to cross the sea in a small boat.

5. The fact that South Korea sent hundred of women to China is called a kind of tributes not sexslave, and hundreds of tributes each year were wives of the Chinese royal family, princesses of the emperor, and mistresses of nobles. Japan is the country that sold its own women on sexslave. During the Warring States Period, 500,000 people were sold to Europe by Sexslave, and during the Meiji and Taisho eras, 300,000 people were recognized and traded to Europe. After World War II, the Japanese government led the supply of hundreds of thousands of Japanese women to the U.S. military through prostitution. The concept of sexslave has developed only in Japan, and it is the Japanese who see princesses with this concept.

6. Before the modern era, the Japanese had no concept of ethnicity, I mean ethnocentric country. What kind of Japanese is Japanese people who failed to form a centralized state, and there is no way that people who have never been invaded by outside countries have a sense of separation between their own country and other countries. Then, in the 5th century, the Japanese began to be called early Japanese(倭人), and before that, they were just primitive people. In particular, the Jomon people are primitive people. Those who came from the Korean Peninsula civilized such primitive people.

7. The name Japan "Nippon" originally meant Baekje. Nippon is the place where the sun rises, and Japan from the Chinese side is the west coast of the Korean Peninsula. From the perspective of present-day Japan, Hawaii is the place of sun rising "nippon". Japanese history books also claim that the origin of the Japanese name was borrowed from the name of Baekje. Japan has always had none of its own. Everyone claims other people's things as if they were themselves, and rationalizes themselves with absurd history.

8. We talk a lot about DNA, but it doesn't explain ethnicity. And civilization is not flowing backwards. It is true that Korean DNA was mixed in Japan, but the opposite is not true. It makes no sense that a powerful ancient nation built by the people of the Korean Peninsula with iron civilization is ruled by the Japanese and villagers who lived in the Stone Age. The real problem is that many Japanese believe in such novels. Without the arrival of Koreans, Japan would have been primitive until the 5th century. Shouldn't you thank Korea for helping the Japanese to bloom in civilization?Anyway, I would like to know if you think it will make up the original form of Japan, the Ainu and Jomon people. And do you think people can fly over the Korean Peninsula and come to the Japanese archipelago right away from China? The ocean current doesn't flow that much.

9. China has rarely controlled Korean territory. The same goes for Mongolia. Politically, even if ancient Korea was occupied by China and Mongolia for short period time, they have never been ruled. Korea remained as a independent country even in a Mongolian control period, and Goryeo entered the Mongolian system as a condition for the youngest daughter of Kubilai Khan to become the queen of Goryeo. Goryeo fought and reconciled for 30 years before Goryeo entered the Mongolian system. In any case, it was a country with a strong position that was ranked within 10th in the line of succession of King Goryeo as the sun-in-law or grand-son in law of the Mongolian emperor.

10. Japan was a politically immatured country that failed to establish a centralized system until the Meiji era. During the feudal shogunate period, it was a country where powerful people took power, and outside it only caused damage to neighboring countries through bandits and piracy. It is a delusion of Japanese self-satisfaction that Japan, which has been pirating outside and fighting inside, was an advanced cultural country in Asia. Is there any unique Japanese culture that hasn't been introduced from Korea? However, Japan is narrow-minded because it denies its relationship with Korea, and because it focuses on history, it is narrow-minded.

출처 : 해외 네티즌 반응 - 가생이닷컴https://www.gasengi.com

가생이닷컴 운영원칙
알림:공격적인 댓글이나 욕설, 인종차별적인 글, 무분별한 특정국가 비난글등 절대 삼가 바랍니다.
하이시윤 22-11-15 08:21
대단한 정성이네요
파스크란 22-11-15 09:27
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