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작성일 : 14-03-07 20:47
밑에는 2010이혼율 상위 10개국 이번에는 2012년 이혼율 상위 10개국
 글쓴이 : 레옹레옹
조회 : 461  


Russia is at the top in the countries which are at the boom in the rate of divorces in 2012. It has secured almost 5.30 percent rates of divorces. Some of these divorces were become because they were based unfaithful and baseless married couples. In Russia, women have no actual existence that they want. They are bound to meet the expenses of their whole family instead of men. This thing bring a sign of hatred in them and as a result, they want t get rid f the responsibilities of their family by demanding divorce from their owners or husbands.


Aruba is at 2nd number in my list. Here women have no actual importance to make a whole pleasurable family. Instead of normal marriage, Arubans preferred the same sex-marriages. This is the basic reason of increasingdivorce ratio in Aruba. In Aruba, the divorce ratio has become at 5.27 percent in the whole country.


Although USs is now a super power state whole around the world yet it is an ill-mannered nation as well because of the rude behavior of the country fellows among themselves. The Americans are filled with hatred among each other and a passion of selfishness can be observed in even a daughter and her mother. That’s why the divorcerate has become up-grade in Americans. They have secured round about 4.19 percent divorces in 102.

4.South Korea and Lithuania

South Koreans are not at least in the rate of divorces in 2012. They are at number 4th in my list and at internationally, they had face very difficult circumstances in economic on 1997. The effects of these economical clashes spread a sign of hatred and selfishness among its breeds and now they have secured 3.05 percent rate of divorcing in 2012.

5.Czech Republic

It is said that this European state has long lasting effects and traditions of divorcing. The effects of this rubbish action is now spreading very fast upon the young new married couples and they do not care in lifting and giving divorces even at nothing. They have secured almost 3.11 percent age in divorce rates.


The basic reason of highest rate of divorces in Cuba is the different languages and traditions. They have secured 3.16 percent age in divorcing in 2012. They are too much ill-minded in the matter of family troubles to be face and to become a helper of their ancients.


It had got 3.50 percent divorce rate whole around the state. One of the biggest reasons of divorces in this country is too much working of women. They are forced to do not only their official working, but also the house obligations when they return at home after their working at office.


Belarus is one of the European states. It is rich with agricultural machinery. They have collectively a handsome repute worldwide but individually, they are too much hearted and broken soul. They have secured 3.77 percent ratio in divorcing on 2012.


It got 9th spot in my list. It said this state has very bad results in marriages just because of mischief and misunderstandings among the marriage couples. They are reached at the 3.79 percent in the ratio of divorcing in 2012.


Most noticeable reason of up-coming divorce rate in this state is cheating. Once it was known as the divorcecapital of the whole world. But now it is faced the un-successful marriage couples who are spreading a sign of ill-surety upon the minds of the up-coming breeds. It has secured 3.80 percent rate of the divorces in 2012.

출처 : 해외 네티즌 반응 - 가생이닷컴https://www.gasengi.com

가생이닷컴 운영원칙
알림:공격적인 댓글이나 욕설, 인종차별적인 글, 무분별한 특정국가 비난글등 절대 삼가 바랍니다.
덕배 14-03-07 20:53
출처 부탁드려유
레옹레옹 14-03-07 20:55
divorce rate higher country 이렇게 검색하심...EUROPEAN TIME인가 거기 있을 거예요...
덕배 14-03-07 21:07
여긴가 보네유.
근디 좀 이상한게
한국과 리투아니아 이혼율이 3.05%인디 5위가 3.11%네유. 10위가 3.80이고유.
"...They are at number 4th in my list..."
라는 문구로 봐서 매우 자의적인 해석이 담긴 기사같네유.

다른 기사에 보면 한국과 리투아니아가 공동 10위로 나오네유.
산골대왕 14-03-07 21:38
쩝...걍 혼인신고 안하고 동거만 하는게 낫겠군요.