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작성일 : 14-04-26 15:25
헬로키티가 우익이었군요
 글쓴이 : relient
조회 : 419  

일본은 정작 인종차별이라 생각안하고 한국은 인종차별 선동해서 유투브에 싫어요 누르게 하게끔 선동하는 세력이 있긴있네요. 헬로키티 관심도 없지만 선동하는게 일상인 한국과 일본.. 
요새보면 에브릴라빈 이나 저스틴비버처럼 일본문화홍보하는 팝스타가 많아지네요 

Taking a break from our regularly scheduled program…this has absolutely nothing to do with the usual content of my blog, but I’ve seen a lot of angry ranting by non-Japanese people about how “offensive” the new Avril Lavigne music video is, and I felt the need to set the record straight about something.

And that is what Japanese people think about the video.

(Btw, here’s a Japanese article linking the video, titled “Avril’s New Song That is Overflowing with Love for Japan”: http://videotopics.yahoo.co.jp/videolist/official/music/pcaba1d18e2bdd6a6a5661cdce7e96ec2)

For those of you who think this is absolutely crazy, or haven’t heard about it at all (lucky you), here’s the rundown of this controversy. There are a few basic things that I’ve seen people complaining about for this video.

  1. The motif of the video is oversimplifying/labeling Japan as nothing but “kawaii” and giving a false representation of what Tokyo is.
  2. The backup dancers are robotic, expressionless, and uniform. This feeds into stereotypes that Asian women are subservient and have no purpose besides decoration. (read: women in most music videos, regardless of race, are portrayed this way. Sexist, sure. But racist?)
  3. Avril is being offensive by saying Japanese words with a “vaguely Asian accent” (read: trying to properly pronounce Japanese words, which she makes a fairly good try at, for a non-Japanese speaker).

I’m not going to pay any more lip service to these arguments, because as a person who speaks Japanese, has lived in Japan for years, and is primarily friends with Japanese people, I feel that all of these points are 100% bullshit. Not only that, there’s nothing about this video that hasn’t been done by a whole slew of different JPop chicks. Have any of you ever looked at Kyary Pamyu Pamyu?! (I try to avoid doing so, myself). And let’s not get into the cultural appropriation of Black culture by K-Pop or the cultural appropriation of European culture by the lolita fashion style in Japan. Or what about any old Japanese VK PV that utilizes overly sexualized white models who serve no purpose other than being pretty? Avril’s “offense” seems pretty minor considering that we tend to accept all these other things as if they’re no problem.

Is cultural appropriation of Japanese concepts really offensive to all Asians, even those not of Japanese descent, or who have never lived in Japan? And if not, what do real Japanese people think about this music video?

I decided to take to Twitter and find out.

Let’s start with the general reaction to the video. Are Japanese people offended by the way she portrays Japan or Tokyo?



Avril is the best! Thank you!! Ka,ka,ka,kawaii! (Like in “Hello Kitty”)

I’m really happy! I feel her love for Japan(/ω\)




Kakakakakawaii!!!! Avril made such an appeal about loving Japan, and it made me happy to be Japanese♡ When she takes polaroids and stuff, it’s really too cute.


These are some of the stronger reactions, but in general, almost every Twitter post I saw was positive. Mostly they were all, “Avril is kawaii!” “Avril eating sushi is kawaii!” “Avril taking polaroids is kawaii!” etc. etc. etc.

Well, what about Avril speaking Japanese in the video? Are Japanese people offended by her “vaguely Asian” pronunciation?



The scene I like from this PV is when Avril is speaking Japanese♡♡♡It’s so cute and cool♡♡♡


Again, this is one of the stronger reactions, but most of them are like this. There were endless Twitter posts quoting all her Japanese words flooded with hearts. Over and over again, “Ka-ka-ka-kawaii!” and “Minna saikou!” Her Japanese fanbase is eating this up (as was her aim, I’m sure).

Well, what’s next then? How about the backup dancers? Is the Japanese Twittersphere exploding about how the girls are uniform and robotic (even though looking totally inhuman and wearing pair looks is a huge part of all kinds of Japanese subcultures?)



Avril’s “Hello Kitty” PV came outー! I’m jealous of the Japanese performersー(´・_・`) I think even I could do that dance! lol


Are they offended by the dancers being uniform and robotic? Nope, didn’t see a single comment like that. Are they offended by the backup dancers? 


Do you want to know why the Japanese Twitter users are so offended by the backup dancers?



Avril Lavigne - Hello Kitty: youtu.be/LiaYDPRedWQ 

Even though Avril is cute, the dancers 

are so ugly it’s sacrilegious lololol


Shot in Harajuku…Criticism of Avril’s MV?http://news.livedoor.com/article/detail/8770478/

Why doesn’t she use cuter Japanese dancers…?


Yes, you got it. The general Twitter response is that the backup dancers were horrible because they are too ugly.

Last, but so not least…what was the Japanese Twitter reaction to the controversy stirred up by English-speakers about a happy, pink video filled with candy?


I don’t feel any discomfort about this all. What’s wrong with it?: Shot in Harajuku: Criticism of Avril’s PV? #Idnews



What the heck is racist about pro-Japanese Avril!? I wondered as I watched the PV, but I don’t understand. I looked at the responses from overseas, and they seem to be saying, “kawaii is putting a label on Japan. It’s racism” and “She made a song ridiculing Japanese pop culture. It’s racist.” Reversely, what do the foreigners who are saying that think Japan is…?

Who the fuck are these people who are criticizing Katy’s Asian performance and Avril’s video as racist?
Well, are Kylie and Madonna racist too?
Is Gwyneth*, who loves Japan, a racist too?

If you say something like that is racist, then don’t do things like eat sushi!
That’s what I think. (T_T)

(*note: just want to be clear here, that the person wrote “Gwyneth” - but not correctly. I don’t know if Gwyneth Paltrow loves Japan or not, or if the person really means Gwen Stefani, and they’re trying to abbreviate, poorly?)


As you can see, there was a range. Confusion, lots. Surprisingly (or not so surprisingly), there was quite vehement anger as well. Japanese people, in general, love Avril. She shot the video in Japan using an entirely Japanese crew to appeal to her giant Japanese fanbase who loves her. They are offended that you are offended, English-speaking internet.

tl;dr? Can you get angry about cultural appropriation when actual members of the culture that is being appropriated are not offended at all? When they’re, reversely, flattered by the video and offended by your reaction?

Food for thought, internet.

Also, still the worst video/song ever, just to let you know that I’m not defending that fact. However, I feel that it might become like a “Call Me Maybe” for me, and I’ll develop a love/hate relationship with its catcy ridiculousness

출처 : 해외 네티즌 반응 - 가생이닷컴https://www.gasengi.com

가생이닷컴 운영원칙
알림:공격적인 댓글이나 욕설, 인종차별적인 글, 무분별한 특정국가 비난글등 절대 삼가 바랍니다.
FK리스 14-04-26 15:26
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