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작성일 : 15-12-29 02:38
이제 슈퍼걸 글을 써도 되겠지 라지만
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Supergirl is the Big League of DCTV

CBS' Supergirl is setting up a universe that brings some of the most powerful and terrifying villains to TV. While many fans (including us) would love to see The Flash and Arrow have a crossover, the direction that show-runners are taking the show prove that Supergirl is more than capable of standing on her own and in her own universe. With the addition of (SPOILER for Episode 7) ... J'onn J'onzz The Martian Manhunter, CBS' Supergirl is stocked with powerhouses that are easily up to the task of taking down some of the biggest DC's villain roster has to offer. With all that power, Supergirl starts to open some doors that aren't available to Arrow or Flash, and possibly close some doors that are unique to Flash and Arrow. The following is our list of reasons why Supergirl is the pro-league of the DCTV shows.

  1. sladeSlade Wilson and the army of Mirakuru soldiers would hardly be an episode worth of content on Supergirl. Despite all of the soldiers enhanced strength they still pale in comparison to Supergirl. With her speed, flight, heat vision and freeze breath, she could have cleaned Starling city within 20 minutes.
  2. Non and Astra with their Kryptonite armor make for a nearly impossible foe to defeat for either Oliver, Barry or Both. The folks at S.T.A.R. labs would need to be working severe overtime to come up with something to try and stop those two, especially when Kryptonite isn't a factor.
  3. Even the new time traveling superhero team of on Legends of Tomorrow don't make up enough firepower to bring down TV's newest duo of Martian Manhunter and Supergirl. Those two are incredibly powerful! It would take someone like Darkseid to run over those two working together.legends
  4. Because Supergirl has the classic and new powers of a Kryptonian, both pre and post new 52, she gives writers the ability to explore villains like Vortox, Reactron, Non, Toyman, and others. The coming white martian is also something entirely new to TV. Supergirl's power-set combined with CBS' budget is allowing for weekly audiences to see the DC comic universe in ways we've never seen it.
  5. Kara as a character is still compelling and down to Earth allowing for a balance of epic villains and day-day character exploration. One of the biggest complaints our staff has about comic books is there is always a crisis! Superheros are always trying to save someone or stop something. The show allows us to see more of a real person in our superhero. Kara has love troubles, job troubles, she is a real person (or feels like it) and we get to experience those stories as well as the mega-villains.


If you want to explore some of the most intense and incredible villains of the DC World, then you are looking to Supergirl to be that vessel. The universe of Supergirl on CBS is shaping up to be the pro league of DC characters, It doesn't seem impossible to include guest characters like Green Lantern, Wondergirl, Miss Martian, or even Dr. Fate. With those possible guest stars, the villain roster can grow too as more seasons are ordered. You could have Darkseid, Anti-Monitor, Brainiac or even the Injustice League set to be your season long villains to come. The horizon is bright for Supergirl whether there is a crossover with the Arrowverse or not.

이건 뭐, 잡다한 이야기.. 해석 귀찮...

그냥 슈퍼걸 자화자찬 내용임.

슈퍼걸이 너무쎄기 때문에 다른 TV DC 히어로들보다 활약이 더 뛰어날거다 등등 뭐 그런 이야기들..

그러다보니, 상대 악당의 레벨도 덩달아 올라가게 된다 뭐 그런 이야기....

슈퍼걸과 연합하면, 레벨이 더 올라가니까 슈퍼걸 찬양해라 뭐 그런거 같음

설정상, TV DC 히어로 중에서 톱이긴 하지. 근데 액션은 제일 빈약해서 탈..크크

출처 : 해외 네티즌 반응 - 가생이닷컴https://www.gasengi.com

가생이닷컴 운영원칙
알림:공격적인 댓글이나 욕설, 인종차별적인 글, 무분별한 특정국가 비난글등 절대 삼가 바랍니다.
구름아래 15-12-29 02:48
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