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작성일 : 22-01-21 17:59
world penis size
 글쓴이 : sarahS2
조회 : 1,130  

에콰도르.. 평균 17cm  엄청나네 
한국도 생각보다 선방한듯

Country Erect Length (cm)  Body Size (m) % of Height
Ecuador 17.61 10.54%
Cameroon 16.67 9.75%
Bolivia 16.51 9.84%
Sudan 16.47 9.63%
Haiti 16.01 9.32%
Senegal 15.89 9.09%
Gambia 15.88 9.47%
Cuba 15.87 9.16%
Netherlands 15.87 8.65%
Zambia 15.78 9.45%
France 15.74 8.83%
Angola 15.73 9.38%
Canada 15.71 8.80%
Egypt 15.69 9.08%
Zimbabwe 15.68 9.23%
Georgia 15.61 8.92%
Paraguay 15.53 8.97%
Chad 15.39 9.01%
Italy 15.35 8.81%
Central African Republic 15.33 9.11%
Colombia 15.26 8.91%
Ivory Coast 15.22 9.07%
Brazil 15.22 8.69%
Sweden 15.08 8.36%
Bulgaria 15.02 8.66%
Costa Rica 15.01 8.64%
Honduras 15 8.87%
Hungary 14.99 8.50%
Mexico 14.92 8.78%
Denmark 14.88 8.19%
El Salvador 14.88 8.75%
Argentina 14.88 8.54%
Serbia 14.87 8.24%
Croatia 14.77 8.18%
Belgium 14.77 8.25%
Latvia 14.69 8.16%
Belarus 14.63 8.21%
Chile 14.59 8.46%
Austria 14.53 8.15%
Germany 14.52 8.07%
Algeria 14.49 8.34%
DR Congo 14.48 8.64%
Australia 14.46 8.10%
Nigeria 14.38 8.47%
Switzerland 14.35 8.04%
Norway 14.34 7.95%
Poland 14.29 7.93%
Albania 14.19 8.17%
Cape Verde 14.05 8.04%
New Zealand 13.99 7.88%
North Macedonia 13.98 7.95%
Ukraine 13.97 7.75%
Spain 13.85 7.88%
Finland 13.77 7.64%
Libya 13.74 7.84%
Azerbaijan 13.72 7.92%
India 13.71 8.28%
Afghanistan 13.69 8.16%
Israel 13.6 7.75%
United States 13.58 7.68%
Japan 13.56 7.90%
Turkmenistan 13.48 7.78%
Venezuela 13.33 7.71%
Greece 13.3 7.44%
Russia 13.21
South Korea 13.16 7.52%
Armenia 13.14 7.59%
United Kingdom 13.13 7.38%
China 13.07 7.49%
Turkey 12.99 7.39%
Ireland 12.78 7.16%
Mongolia 12.77 7.50%
Romania 12.73 7.18%
Yemen 12.72 7.81%
Pakistan 12.2 7.32%
Iran 11.95 6.84%
Indonesia 11.67 7.05%
Singapore 11.53 6.66%
Malaysia 11.49 6.82%
Vietnam 11.47 6.83%
출처 : 해외 네티즌 반응 - 가생이닷컴https://www.gasengi.com

가생이닷컴 운영원칙
알림:공격적인 댓글이나 욕설, 인종차별적인 글, 무분별한 특정국가 비난글등 절대 삼가 바랍니다.
내적귀인 22-01-21 18:24
지가 쓴 뇌내망상 스윗한남글에 개쌍욕처먹는거
애써 모른체하면서 헛짓거리 지속중이네

추하고 안쓰럽다
밑져야본전 22-01-21 18:25
님 혹시 G먹었어요? 닉넴이 원래 렙 높았던분 같은데..
sarahS2 22-01-21 18:38
대통령욕은 해도 되는 나라에서 가생이 욕은 안되냐고 뭐라했다가 정지머금
하얀그림자 22-01-21 18:34
Average penis size statistics
Estimates on average penis size vary. Many people believe that a typical penis is 6 inches (in) long, but this is false and misleading, potentially triggering anxiety in those who worry about having a small penis.

A 2014 analysisTrusted Source of data from 15,521 men discovered the following about penis size:

The average non-erect penis is 9.16 centimeters (cm), or 3.61 in long.
The average erect penis is 13.12 cm (5.17 in) long.
Penises longer than 6 in when erect are rare, with this length of penis falling in the 90th percentile.
6인치 15.24샌티이상이면 상위 10%
Other research has sought to quantify what counts as a micropenis. A 2014 study defined a micropenis as a penis that is less than 7 cm (about 2.75 in) in length when flaccid and stretched.

Furthermore, researchTrusted Source on more than 52,000 heterosexual men and woman found that 85 percent of women were satisfied with the size of their partner’s penis. In comparison, only 55 percent of men were satisfied with their penis size.
여성들은  85프로 자기 파트너 크기에 만족  남성은 단지 55프로만 만족

It is common for people to occasionally worry that their penis might not be large enough, especially when they feel pressure from the media and from seeing larger male genitals in pornography.

스몰페니스증후군 증상....
포노르  영상 속 크기  믿지마~

리어 22-01-21 19:04
에이~ 자가 어디있지..
내빠진통 22-01-21 19:58
이 자료도 못믿겠는데....
일본이 저렇게 크다고?
이란이 저렇게 작다고?
북리 22-01-21 23:52
야가 스윗남인가? ㅎ