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작성일 : 18-09-29 21:31
[사고] 말레이지아 영화 세트장 화재 사고
 글쓴이 : 오캐럿
조회 : 456  

2018 Malaysia - 31 Actors Suffer Burns after Clothing Catch Fire during On-Set Filming - 20/9/18

기화된 휘발유가 흐른 줄 모르고 대기하던 배우들 및 스테프들이 화상으로 병원에 입원 했다고..

Fuel that was vaporised caused burns on actors during filming in Bandar Bukit Puchong, Selangor.

In describing it as an accident, a Fire and Rescue Department spokesman said the film crew
used petrol to ignite some wooden houses during a shoot.

However, he said, while the crew was pouring the petrol on the houses, it vaporised into the air.

"The vaporisation process ended on the clothes of the actors, and when the petrol was ignited,
their clothes caught fire," the spokesman said.

He said firemen were on standby at the scene.

The film crew had notified them that they wanted to film a burning scene, he added.

A total of 31 cast members, including Hong Kong veteran actress Sharon Yeung Pan-pan, 59,
Malaysian actress Joey Leong, 24, and actor Cedric Loo, 30, were injured during the filming on Monday
(17 Sept 2018).

They are warded at the Sunway Medical Centre.

According to reports, Yeung suffered second-degree burns on the left side of her face,
her right arm, and both legs while Leong had similar burns on both legs.
출처 : 해외 네티즌 반응 - 가생이닷컴https://www.gasengi.com

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