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작성일 : 21-01-18 15:41
[잡담] 2021년 IMF 추정 1인당 gdp 순위
 글쓴이 : kor1234
조회 : 5,427  

Luxembourg125.92 thousand

Ireland90.48 thousand

Switzerland90.36 thousand

Norway76.41 thousand

United States66.14 thousand

Denmark63.64 thousand

Singapore62.11 thousand

Iceland58.37 thousand

Netherlands58.03 thousand

Sweden57.66 thousand

Australia57.21 thousand

Qatar55.42 thousand

Austria54.82 thousand

Finland54.82 thousand

Germany51.97 thousand

Belgium50.05 thousand

Macao SAR48.21 thousand

Hong Kong SAR47.99 thousand

Canada45.87 thousand

France44.77 thousand

San Marino44.68 thousand

Israel43.44 thousand

United Kingdom42.24 thousand

New Zealand41.79 thousand

Japan40.73 thousand

Italy35.06 thousand

United Arab Emirates32.69 thousand

Korea, Republic of32.31 thousand

Malta32.1 thousand

Bahamas, The31.53 thousand

Puerto Rico31.21 thousand

Spain31.18 thousand

Cyprus29.69 thousand

Taiwan Province of China28.89 thousand

Slovenia28.73 thousand

Estonia26.38 thousand

Brunei Darussalam26.27 thousand

Czech Republic25.99 thousand

Portugal25.1 thousand

Bahrain23.71 thousand

Kuwait23.14 thousand

Lithuania22.75 thousand

Aruba22.71 thousand

Slovak Republic21.61 thousand

Saudi Arabia20.74 thousand

Greece20.52 thousand

Latvia19.93 thousand

Hungary17.64 thousand

Barbados17.47 thousand

Poland16.74 thousand

Trinidad and Tobago16.62 thousand

Saint Kitts and Nevis16.49 thousand

Croatia16.4 thousand

Uruguay16.3 thousand

Romania14.92 thousand

Antigua and Barbuda14.75 thousand

Oman14.67 thousand

Panama14.39 thousand

Chile14.21 thousand

Maldives14.19 thousand

Palau13.18 thousand

Seychelles12.65 thousand

Costa Rica11.8 thousand

China, People's Republic of11.71 thousand

Malaysia11.38 thousand

Bulgaria11.35 thousand

Russian Federation10.79 thousand

Saint Lucia10.64 thousand

Grenada10.21 thousand

Guyana9.91 thousand

Nauru9.87 thousand

Mauritius9.63 thousand

Kazakhstan9.45 thousand

Montenegro9.15 thousand

Argentina9.1 thousand

Turkmenistan8.87 thousand

Serbia8.44 thousand

Mexico8.4 thousand

Dominica8.11 thousand

Equatorial Guinea8 thousand

Gabon7.78 thousand

Dominican Republic7.74 thousand

Thailand7.67 thousand

Iran7.67 thousand

Turkey7.66 thousand

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines7.4 thousand

Botswana7.04 thousand

North Macedonia6.93 thousand

Brazil6.73 thousand

Bosnia and Herzegovina6.54 thousand

Belarus6.51 thousand

Peru6.23 thousand

Jamaica5.64 thousand

Ecuador5.59 thousand

Colombia5.46 thousand

South Africa5.24 thousand

Paraguay5.21 thousand

Albania5.16 thousand

Tonga4.95 thousand

Suriname4.92 thousand

Fiji4.82 thousand

Iraq4.77 thousand

Libya4.73 thousand

Georgia4.71 thousand

Moldova4.53 thousand

Armenia4.43 thousand

Namibia4.41 thousand

Azerbaijan4.4 thousand

Guatemala4.38 thousand

Jordan4.35 thousand

Tuvalu4.3 thousand

Indonesia4.29 thousand

Mongolia4.14 thousand

Marshall Islands4.09 thousand

Samoa4.05 thousand

El Salvador4.02 thousand

Micronesia, Fed. States of4 thousand

Belize3.97 thousand

Sri Lanka3.93 thousand

Vietnam3.76 thousand

Eswatini3.7 thousand

Cabo Verde3.68 thousand

Bolivia3.62 thousand

Ukraine3.61 thousand

Egypt3.61 thousand

Philippines3.6 thousand

Algeria3.45 thousand

Bhutan3.45 thousand

Morocco3.41 thousand

Tunisia3.38 thousand

Djibouti3.28 thousand

West Bank and Gaza3.06 thousand

Vanuatu2.97 thousand

Lao P.D.R.2.61 thousand

Papua New Guinea2.6 thousand

Honduras2.59 thousand

Côte d'Ivoire2.57 thousand

Solomon Islands2.5 thousand

Ghana2.3 thousand

Congo, Republic of2.27 thousand

Nigeria2.21 thousand

São Tomé and Príncipe2.13 thousand

Angola2.13 thousand

Kenya2.12 thousand

India2.03 thousand

Bangladesh1.99 thousand

Uzbekistan1.84 thousand

Nicaragua1.83 thousand

Kiribati1.82 thousand

Mauritania1.78 thousand

Cambodia1.68 thousand

Cameroon1.66 thousand

Senegal1.63 thousand

Venezuela1.59 thousand

Myanmar1.44 thousand

Comoros1.43 thousand

Benin1.4 thousand

Timor-Leste1.27 thousand

Kyrgyz Republic1.27 thousand

Nepal1.17 thousand

Tanzania1.13 thousand

Guinea1.07 thousand

Lesotho1.02 thousand

Zambia1.01 thousand





Burkina Faso850.79



Gambia, The808.58










Central African Republic521.75



Congo, Dem. Rep. of the477.89

Sierra Leone470.97



South Sudan, Republic of322.64


출처 https://www.imf.org/external/datamapper/NGDPDPC@WEO/OEMDC/ADVEC/WEOWORLD?year=2021

Imf추정인데 유럽국가들 왜이리 격상한거죠? 환율때문인가요 믿기지않네요; 코로나 경제 선방한 국가들보다 엄청 뛰어오른듯요
출처 : 해외 네티즌 반응 - 가생이닷컴https://www.gasengi.com

가생이닷컴 운영원칙
알림:공격적인 댓글이나 욕설, 인종차별적인 글, 무분별한 특정국가 비난글등 절대 삼가 바랍니다.
바람아들 21-01-18 15:51
잘못 추정한것 같은데 이탈리아와 한국 그리고 폴란드와 체코가 많이 차이나는데 서로 GDP가 비슷한 국가들인데 ???
뽀치 21-01-18 16:13
환율 때문인듯 근데 생각ㅂ느다 많이 낮네요
유기화학 21-03-31 09:00
키르 21-01-18 16:34
3만불대는 텅텅 비어있네요...

대만은 머지않아 3만불대 진입할듯?
유기화학 21-03-31 09:00
kj02020 21-01-18 16:48
이건10월달 추정치입니다 이때는 imf에서 환율을 높게잡았기때문에 그런거고
내년4월달전망에선 2021년 올해 대폭수정될겁니다 원화가 많이 올라서
이전망치보다 더높을겁니다
유기화학 21-03-31 09:00
nakani 21-01-18 17:20
영,프,독,이태리,스페인 서유럽 전부 코로나 감가 성장률 참고가 안된 gdp네요.
유기화학 21-03-31 09:00
없습니다 21-01-19 00:00
imf의 추정치라는게 현재상태가 계속된다면 다음 연도에는 어떻게 될거다라는 거니까 그냥 참고자료일뿐입니다.
자그네브 21-01-19 00:09
일본, 영국, 프랑스는 3만불대로 내려오고
이태리는 한국 밑으로 내려가고
지금 추세로 가면 올해에도 쭈욱~
내려갈거 같은데...
유기화학 21-03-31 09:00
로터리파크 21-01-19 04:11
올해 4월에 나올 예상치 보면 2020년 수치랑 올해 예상수치 전부 환율때문에 확 달라져있을거에요
유기화학 21-03-31 09:00
유랑선비 21-01-19 04:49
좀 이상한디
유기화학 21-03-31 09:02
마블매니아 21-01-20 00:28
작년 환율이 1170~80원으로 최종확인되었고, 한은 직원피셜 인당 소득 31000달러 수준이었으니까, 올해 1100원 내외 환율에 성장률 3%내외 예상되니 35000불 넘을 확률도 꽤 있습니다.
유기화학 21-03-31 09:02
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