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작성일 : 18-04-29 18:41
[미국] 한반도의 평화협정으로 트럽프는 노벨평화상을 받을 수 있을 것인가?
 글쓴이 : 히스토리2
조회 : 1,931  
   http://www.newsweek.com/president-donald-trump-kim-jong-un-nobel-peace… [268]

With the unthinkable now cautiously possible, peace between North and South Korea, speculation about President Donald Trump becoming a Nobel Peace Prize winner has begun. If peace in the Korean Peninsula truly happens, the Nobel committee could be left with a difficult choice regarding Trump’s candidacy.


Recognizing those who helped bring peace to the region would seem like an easy choice, but a decision to give Trump the award could force the Nobel Prize committee into a fierce political debate on whether a man who has openly mocked foreign leaders, launched multiple airstrikes and has threatened war, deserves an award for peace.


But, if the reconciliation happens, how could Trump’s apparent achievement not be recognized? Donald Trump Jr. said regardless of what unfolds, his father won’t get the credit. “Remember who decides this stuff,” he tweeted. “... The globalist elite would never give him that win.”


It’s not just Trump. He and Kim Jong Un could both claim the award this year, Trump aides and an oddsmaker from Britain said, according to New York Magazine.


Trump has taken a hard foreign policy stance with North Korea since he took office. With “rocket man” quips and threatening words of military strength, peace with the North Korea Leader appeared a lost cause. But fast forward to April 2018, and Kim and South Korean President Moon Jae-in are shaking hands at the Military Demarcation Line, signing the Panmunjom Declaration for Peace, Prosperity and Unification on the Korean Peninsula and formally ending the Korean war.


After the apparently successful meeting between the Korean leaders Trump is now scheduled to meet with the North Korean leader soon, with a location yet to be determined.

“I will be meeting with Kim Jong Un in the coming weeks, we look forward to that," Trump said during a Friday press conference with German Chancellor Angela Merkel. "We're down to two countries as to a site, and we'll let you know what that site is."



If that meeting and Friday’s summit leads to a peace accord, GOP leaders are saying a Nobel Prize would be warranted. Senator Lindsey Graham and former Trump administration official Carl Higbie have already voiced their support for him to win the award.


“We’re not there yet, but if this happens, President Trump deserves the Nobel Peace Prize,” Graham said on Friday on Fox & Friends.


Laura Ingraham tweeted her support for him to win the award on Friday.


“When will we see the headline: “Trump Ends the Korean War”? Unlike Obama, he actually deserves the Nobel Peace Prize," Ingraham said.


If Trump were to win the Nobel Peace Prize, he would not be the first controversial winner. Le Duc Tho became the first and only person to voluntarily refuse a Nobel Peace Prize for his work in negotiating a ceasefire on Vietnam with U.S. Secretary of the State Henry Kissinger. Despite Kissinger’s acceptance of the award, Tho refused to accept because “peace has not been really restored in South Vietnam.”


“When the Paris agreement on Vietnam is respected, guns are silenced, and peace is really restored in South Vietnam, I will consider the acceptance of this prize,” he said.


Other controversial candidates who have won the award include German journalist Carl Von Ossietzky, who was awarded the prize in 1935 after publishing secret details about the German remilitarization in breach of the Treaty of Versailles before World War II began. The Nazi Party put pressure on the Norwegian Nobel Committee to not grant the award to Ossietzky in 1934, but the committee eventually gave him the award the following year. His win caused two members of the committee to quit, saying they did not want to get involved with what was going on in Germany at the time.


Former President Barack Obama, who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009, was another controversial win. The Obama administration said it was embarrassing to win the prestigious award his first year in office. The committee said Obama won because of “his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples."


The first African woman to win the Nobel Peace Prize, Wangari Maathai, also had controversy surrounding her selection. Maathai was granted the award for her efforts to empower women living in rural areas in Kenya to reverse deforestation. Her win, however, was slammed by many because of remarks she allegedly made in a Kenyan newspaper, saying that HIV/AIDS were created by Western scientists to try to depopulate Africa.


There are currently 329 candidates for the 2018 Nobel Peace Prize, according to the organization’s website. The winners will be announced on December 10.


지금 조심스럽게, 남북한 간의 평화가 기존에 생각했던 것보다 비교하지 못할 정도로 진전이 된다면, 도널드 트럼프 (Donald Trump) 대통령에 대한 노벨 평화상 수상에 대한 예상이 가능하다는 진단이 제기되었다. 즉 한반도 평화가 진전(정착)된다면, 노벨위원회는 트럼프를 평화상 후보로 선정하는 어려운 선택을 할 수 있다.


이 지역(한반도)에 평화를 가져온 사람들이 (누구인지) 인정하는 것은 쉬운 선택처럼 보일지 모르겠지만, 트럼프에게 평화상을 주는 결정은, 노벨상 후보위원회에게 공개적으로 (그동안 트럼프가) 외국 지도자들을 조롱하고 또 (시리아 공습 등) 여러 공습을 했음에도 평화상 수상자가 될 수 있는지에 대한 치열한 정치적 토론이 시작 될 수 있다.

, 전쟁으로 위협하다가, 평화에 대한 상을받을 자격이 트럼프에게 있느냐는 것 이다.


그러나 남북간 화해가 발생한다면, 트럼프는 명백한 한반도 평화에 대한 업적이 있다고 생각을 할 수 있다. 다만 그것을 인정할 수 있느냐는 것이다?(트럼프가 한 일은 위협 밖에는 없었다) 도널드 트럼프 주니어 (Donald Trump Jr.)는 평화가 진행되는 것에 상관없이 그의 아버지는 인정을 받지 못할 것이라고 말했다. "누가 결정할지 기억해." "... 그러나 엘리트 주의자들은 결국 트럼프에게 승리를 안겨줄 것이다."


트럼프가 평화상을 받지는 않을 겁니다. 그와 김정은이 평화상을 받을 것에 대해, 부정적이라고 '트럼프 보좌관 (Trump Aides)'과 영국의 oddsmaker 모두가 이같이 말했다고 ​​뉴욕 매거진은 전했다.


트럼프는 취임 한 이후 북한에 강력한 외교 정책을 취했다. "로켓트 맨"이라는 야유와 북한붕괴 위협과 군사적 위협이라는 말로, 북한 지도자와의 갈등은, 평화를 잃어버리게한 원인으로 간주되었다. 그러나 2018 4 , 김정은 과 문재인 대통령은 한반도 평화, 번영과 통일을위한 판문점 선언에 서명하고 한국 전쟁을 공식적으로 끝내려는 시도를 위해, 군사 분계선에서 악수를 나누었다.


한국 지도자 간 회의가 성공적으로 끝나고, 트럼프도 조만간 조만간 이 북한 지도자 김정은과만날 예정이다.


"앞으로 몇 주 안에 김정은 위원장과 만날 예정"이라고 트럼프 장관은 독일총리인 앙겔라 메르켈과의 정상회담 후 기자간담회에서 밝혔다.


트럼프와 김정은 정상회담과 금요일 한반도 정상간 회담이, 평화 협정 즉 종전협정 으로 이어진다면, 트럼프는 노벨상을받을 자격이 있다고 말하고 있습니다.

Lindsey Graham 상원 의원과 전 () 트럼프 행정부 관리 인 Carl Higbie는 이미 노벨평화상을 트럼프가 받아야 한다며, 그를지지했다.


출처 : 해외 네티즌 반응 - 가생이닷컴https://www.gasengi.com

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