Rayner subscribed to me on youtube and i saw a link below one of my videos and followed it ~ then came here and signed up and introduced myself on one of my previous covers and on the community page :)
Wow~ thank you so much! I can't even begin to say how grateful I am ~
I will definitely stick around and keep everyone posted~
Well I cant wait to visit korea ~ Ill be there in 11 days :D *so excited*
And congrats to the football team for the 2-0 win against Greece ~ 대한민국 화이팅~ you have all of south korea cheering for you and me too~!
absolutely great! this is a best Huh cover ive ever seen! especially i like your expression on your face, that makes your cover more perfact. keep it up!
by the way- if you remember, back when my first cover was posted here - you requested that I cover when I fall by 애프터 스쿨 - well I have finally done it :) and it should be up on youtube today~
hummmm.. i dont know if i request it. i think the man who request that cover isnt me. there a lot of people using that naming(unknown). my ID, also , hasnt any meaning on it. i just jotted any alphabet that pops into in my head down on the name check box. anyway, i have just seen when i fall cover. needless to say it's fantastic. it is a very nice choice you sung that song. your voice tone is in perfect harmony with that song it's really fit for you:)
plus how many language can you speak? sometimes, in other video, when you began with some language including korean. i just thought how many language does she speak? Thx for posting.
Haha~ oh~oops~! Sorry~~!
But im still really glad that you liked it lol~!
Ok~ well I speak English fluently and I am really advanced in Spanish - I also speak a bit of French as I did it to GCSE level. I am also currently learning Chinese, Japanese and Korean although I only started Chinese properly in September and Japanese in....March(?) this year~