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작성일 : 20-11-16 22:39
[잡담] 소형 자폭 드론은 간단하게 이걸로 잡으면 되지 않을까요?
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조회 : 1,208  


얼릉 한국형 CIWS를 개발해서 방공포대 있는 자리에 배치합시다.. ㅋㅋㅋ
출처 : 해외 네티즌 반응 - 가생이닷컴https://www.gasengi.com

가생이닷컴 운영원칙
알림:공격적인 댓글이나 욕설, 인종차별적인 글, 무분별한 특정국가 비난글등 절대 삼가 바랍니다.
로딩중에러 20-11-16 23:03
수류탄용 위력의 드론 같으면 이것보단 80미리 박격포탄에 gps 달아 전차 머리 패는게 더 좋지 않을까요. 농담 같지만 이미 이런 박격포탄 나온지 몇십년 됐죠.  최근에 천조국에서 다시 나온다는 말도 있던데 우리도 기대해 봐야겠죠. 포방부인데..
혜성나라 20-11-16 23:59
터키가 저고도 드론과 자국산 공대지 미슬로 솔솔한 전과를 낸다한들 우리보다 2수 아래로 보면됩니다 MUAV+kggb면 100km밖에서 저격할수 있어요~
혜성나라 20-11-17 00:01
터키가 뭐 대단한 기술 가진것은 아니지만 f16소스코드 받고 급격히 나아지고 있기는 하죠 공대공 미슬도 만들고~
도나201 20-11-17 00:41
f16 소스코드를 받았다고요?
전혀 듣도보지 못한 내용인데.....

관련뉴스 나 사항을 좀... 보내주시길.
대팔이 20-11-17 08:46
그래서 이번에 F-16업글을 록마의 F-16V가 아닌 터키 독자로 할려고 합니다....
혜성나라 20-11-17 15:16
November 4, 2011:The U.S. has agreed to supply Turkey with source code for F-16 fire control and flight system software, so that Turkey can modify F-16 software to use Turkish made weapons and equipment. This will be part of a Turkish refurbishment of 213 of their F-16s. This will cost about $5.2 million per aircraft, and include a lot of Turkish made equipment. Over the last decade, Turkey has been producing more military gear locally, and now produces over half its military equipment needs.
But most major items of equipment are still obtained from foreign suppliers. For example, four years ago, Turkey bought another 30 F-16C Block 50 fighters, for over $60 million each. This will give Turkey one of the largest F-16s fleets (nearly 250) in the world. These new F-16s are beginning to arrive.

Like Israel, Turkey is upgrading its older F-16s. There are actually six major models of the F-16 currently in use, and identified by block number (32, 40, 42, 50, 52, 60), plus the Israeli F-16I, which is a major modification of the Block 52. Another special version (the Block 60), for the UAE (United Arab Emirates) is called the F-16E. The various block mods included a large variety of new components (five engines, four sets of avionics, five generations of electronic warfare gear, five radars and many other mechanical, software, cockpit and electrical mods.) Countries like Turkey can thus add the new components and turn an older F-16 into a more powerful model. There are also some older (Block 1, 5, 15, 20, 25, 30) aircraft out there, all with two decade old technology. The Turkish upgrade program seeks countries with these older models, and offers competitive prices for upgrades. With the use of Turkish made components, the newly upgraded Turkish F-16s will be unique (like the Israeli F-16I and the UAE F-16E).

Turkey is also becoming a bigger player in the upgrade market. For example, Pakistan is having a Turkish firm to upgrade elderly Pakistani F-16s from Block 15 configuration to Block 40. Now that the U.S. has lifted its arms embargo on Pakistan, there are many firms competing for all the work needed to update older American weapons still used by Pakistan. The Turks have long had good trade relations with Pakistan, and have also developed, with the help of the U.S. and Israel, a capable aircraft maintenance and upgrade industry. Most of the F-16 work will be done in Pakistan, using Turkish engineers and technicians supervising some local workers, and using largely imported (from Turkey and elsewhere) components.

 The F-16 is the most numerous post-Cold War jet fighter, with over 4,200 built, and more in production. There are 24 nations using the F-16, and 14 have ordered more, in addition to their initial order. During The Cold War, Russia built over 10,000 MiG-21s, and the U.S over 5,000 F-4s, but since then warplane production has plummeted about 90 percent. But since the end of the Cold War, the F-16 has been popular enough to keep the production lines going, despite the fact that the F-35 is supposed to replace the F-16. But the F-35 price keeps going up (it's headed north of $100 million per aircraft), and the F-16 continues to get the job done at half that price.
혜성나라 20-11-17 15:34
MD용 레이터 나토에 설치하는 댓가~
로딩중에러 20-11-17 00:42
과연 미국이 줬을까요. 저도 듣긴 들었는데 과연 운용이 가능할런지....
길라이 20-11-17 04:58
터기가 F-35살때 절충교역으로 소스코드 달라고 했지만 미국에서 거절했고
지금은 F-35도 안파니 소스코드는 더더욱 안주죠.
혜성나라 20-11-17 15:17
F35소스코드는 누구에게도 안줍니다~