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작성일 : 18-05-15 12:52
[공군] 2018년 KF-16(F-16V) 2대가 업그레이드를 완료하고 한국에 도입
 글쓴이 : 자바의신
조회 : 7,709  



F-16V Block 70 Presentation  


Lockheed sees KF-16 upgrade deal as imminent


Lockheed Martin anticipates that it will soon get the greenlight to commence a long-awaited upgrade programme for South Korea’s KF-16 fighter fleet.

The $2.7 billion Foreign Military Sales (FMS) programme, originally announced in July, will see Lockheed Martin upgrade South Korea’s 134 C- and D-model KF-16s with new avionics, weapons and Northrop Grumman’s Scalable Agile Beam Radar (SABR). The package has been subject to discussions between Washington DC and Seoul.

“We support those discussions to the extent that the two governments need us to support it, and my assessment at this point is that those discussions are very mature, and Lockheed is looking forward to the conclustion of those discussions so that we can more forward with an agreement this year,” says Lockheed Martin executive Randy Howard, who leads the company’s international sales efforts for the F-16.

He hastens to add, however, that since Lockheed is “not in the middle” of these discussions, it cannot give a firm date. Howard spoke to Flightglobal at the Lockheed Martin chalet at the Seoul Interational Aerospace & Defense Exhibition 2015.

When the deal is signed off, Lockheed will upgrde two South Korean KF-16s – one single seat C model and one twin-seat D model – to its F-16V configuration. The two aircraft are already in storage in the US. The two fighters were originally flown to the US in support of a collapsed bid by BAE Systems to upgrade South Korea’s KF-16 fleet, which is now subject to litigation in the US.

Once the validity of the upgrade is proven with these two aircraft, the remaining 132 aircraft will be upgraded in South Korea.

“It's been a long process for Southt Korea and their F-16s need to be upgraded,” says Howard. “They have very real challenges here and the F-16V upgrade will significantly enhance its capability.”




한국 공군은 KF-16 134대를 F-16V Black70 최신사양으로 업그레이드 하는 사업을 진행중이다. 

2018년 올해 KF-16 2대가 미국에서 업그레이드를 완료하고 한국에 도입된다.

나머지 KF-16 132대는 한국에서 업그레이드를 진행한다. 

F-16V Black70 제원은 APG-83 AESA 최신형 레이더, IFF Mode 5, Link16 등을 장착한다.


RoKAF to upgrade KF-16s with JHMCS II


South Korea is to integrate the latest Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing System II (JHMCS II) helmet-mounted display onto its Lockheed Martin KF-16 Fighting Falcon combat aircraft as part of a wider upgrade of the type.

Rockwell Collins ESA Vision Systems, a joint venture between Elbit Systems and Rockwell Collins, announced on 21 February that it is to perform the work for the Republic of Korea Air Force (RoKAF), as part of a more comprehensive improvement programme being rolled out onto 134 of the service’s 170-string KF-16 fleet.

The baseline JHMCS integrates a magnetic helmet-mounted tracker to determine where the pilot’s head is pointed with a miniature display system that projects information onto the pilot’s visor.




또한 KF-16에는 최신형 JHMCS II HMD가 장착되며, AIM-9X과 같이 사용시에 엄청난 성능효과를 발휘한다.


- F-16V Black70의 제원 -


출처 : 해외 네티즌 반응 - 가생이닷컴https://www.gasengi.com

가생이닷컴 운영원칙
알림:공격적인 댓글이나 욕설, 인종차별적인 글, 무분별한 특정국가 비난글등 절대 삼가 바랍니다.
사라봉 18-05-15 12:55
굿...공군을 위하여~
꾸물꾸물 18-05-15 12:56
어깨뽕 ㅇㅈ네.
그러므로 18-05-15 13:05
ewsn 18-05-15 13:08
어깨뽕 보고싶어서 현기증 난단 말이에요....ㅋㅋㅋ
몽골메리 18-05-15 13:44
어지러우시면 저한테 기대세요..

어 그거 손잡이 아녜요 - -*
정의사도1 18-05-15 13:09
어깨뽕도 들어가나?  그럼 엔진 업그레이드 안하고 하면 기동성 떨어질텐데...
뽕은 안하겠죠.
그나마 공중급유기 들어오면 굳이 뽕 안넣어도 우리나라에선...
130여대 저정도면 가뿐하게 짱께들 상대로 방어한다면 무난하게 씹어버리죠.
f-15k 59대 f-35 60여대 배치되면..
그냥 짱깨공군 전체가 붙어도 해볼만 할듯.
booms 18-05-15 13:18
어깨뽕 이상해 ㅠㅠ
마구쉬자 18-05-15 13:20
작전사거리가 비약적으로 늘어나것네.. 뽕이 아주 그냥.
깁스 18-05-15 13:38
정면 인상이 묘하게 끌리네 나 변태인가 ㅋ~
bluered 18-05-15 14:14
왠지 괴랄해 보이넹.... ㄷㄷㄷ
그날을위해 18-05-15 14:21
개인적으로는 어깨뽕이 넘나 멋져보이기는 하는데...

우리나라도 저거 하나요?
저거 이야기는 없던거 같던데?
뽐뿌맨 18-05-15 15:13
JHMCS II 이거 멋있네요.    제대로 싸움닭될 듯..
개구락지 18-05-15 16:30
컨포멀은 계약사항에 없습니다.
공군이 필요성을 못느껴서......
개구락지 18-05-15 16:38
추가로 사천공장에서 록히드마틴 지원하에 업그레이드합니다...
kira2881 18-05-15 16:54
드디어 오는군요 기대됩니다.
좋은비 18-05-15 17:43
멋지네요 kf-x가 실전 배치될때까지 잘 버텨줘야할텐데요
피오르드 18-05-15 22:07
그동안 고생했는데 뽕달고 이제 힘좀 주자!