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작성일 : 19-08-10 23:49
[공군] AMRAAM 내장하는 F-16 발전형 Falcon 21++
 글쓴이 : datafuser
조회 : 3,732  

1991년 미국 상원 회의에서 미국공군 Ralston 장군이 말한 내용입니다.

This is the Falcon-21++, and you can see it is a more radical change to the F-16 than what the F-15XX is to the F-15. It has a completely new wing, you see here. It has a new fuselage. The AMRAAM missiles, for example, are carried internal to the F-16 fuselage. In addition, it has an ATF engine. It has an active array radar with ATF avionics, and it has as much low observable treatment as could be placed on an airplane like that.



출처 : 해외 네티즌 반응 - 가생이닷컴https://www.gasengi.com

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