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작성일 : 23-09-26 10:55
[뉴스] 갈수록 전쟁 지속 어려워지게 할 우크라이나 의료 위기
 글쓴이 : 혁신정치
조회 : 883  

 뉴욕타임스에 따르면 자포리자주 최전선서
몇마일내에 있는 우크라이나군 야전 응급센터에
부상자 25분내 도착이 골든타임이지만 러시아군
대량 포격이 빈번해서 몇시간 동안 응급센터로
후송 못 시키기 일쑤랍니다.

 러시아 미사일이 응급센터 타격한 적도 있어서
수술진이 적색조명 켜고 밤에만 수술한다네요.

 7월 마지막주엔 취재한 응급센터 하나에 하루 
부상자 70명이 들어왔다 하구요.

 우크라이나 군의관이 군에 의사와 간호사가 
부족하다 했습니다.

 한편, 7월말에 우크라이나 간호사 단체가
수개월간 급여 미지급에 대해 우크라이나
보건부장관에게 대화 요청했으나 보건부
건물에 들어가지도 못 했다네요.

 그리고, 키이우 시립병원 의사, 간호사들이
법정 최저봉급을 6월 까지 몇달째 못 받았답니다.

 Under Fire and Understaffed: The Fight to Save Ukraine’s Wounded


 Wounded just 40 minutes earlier on Ukraine’s southern 

front in the Zaporizhzhia region, the soldiers from the 

110th Brigade had arrived at a stabilization point, one 

of a dozen medical stations set up by the Ukrainian Army 

within a few miles of the front line to ensure critical, lifesaving care.

 Positioned close to the front lines, the stabilization points, 

temporary medical posts where patients are stabilized for 

onward evacuation, have been receiving a constant inflow 

of soldiers wounded in the fighting. 

 The numbers have been “colossal,” said a medic from the 

center where the three men from the 110th Brigade were treated.

 The aim is to ensure that each wounded soldier receives a high 

level of care within as little as 25 minutes of the injury in order 

to save lives, he said. It is not always possible. 

 A combat medic on the front line quickly administers first aid, 

but Russian artillery fire is often so intense that sometimes units 

cannot evacuate the wounded for hours, medics said.

 The ambulances that transport soldiers to the stabilization points 

frequently come under fire as well, and soldiers sometimes have 

to drag or carry the wounded for several miles on foot to a vehicle. 

One stabilization point was hit in a missile strike one recent night, 

doctors said.

 The staff stayed undercover most of the time to keep out of 

sight of Russian reconnaissance drones. 

 At night, they worked in the dark for security, mostly using 

a red light, which is less detectable, on their headlamps.

 The casualties arrived in spurts and on some days in a 

continuous rush. There were dozens of mine injuries and 

shrapnel wounds, but so far in this counteroffensive, 

few bullet wounds, doctors said.

 Some doctors said they had seen worse casualties in

 battles last year; one said they were treating up to 

250 people a day back then in the counteroffensive 

in Kherson region.

 In the first months after the Russian invasion last year, 

many soldiers did not have body armor or helmets and 

suffered often lethal injuries to the head and chest, 

said Dr. Andrii Komarinets, the head of medical services 

for the 110th Brigade, who runs one of the larger 

stabilization points.

 But the army was short of doctors and especially of nurses, 

he said. “We don’t have enough hands,” he said.

 An administrator silently lifted a thick stack of medical reports 

from the last week, one for each patient. 

 They had treated more than 70 people that day, and more were 

on their way, he said.


 Ukraine’s medics are calling for change – but nobody is listening


 “To the minister of health of Ukraine, Viktor Liashko, 

Happy Doctors’ Day! I am asking you to prohibit the 

uncontrolled reduction of wages for medical workers! 

 Let the money follow not only the patients but also 

medical workers.”

 This was the message of many cards sent to Ukraine’s 

Ministry of Health by members of the nurses’ movement 

BeLikeNina ahead of the country’s annual Doctors’ Day on 27 July.

 BeLikeNina is demanding the government address the 

problems facing Ukraine’s nurses and doctors, from 

primary care workers going unpaid for months due to 

a lack of funds in hospitals to new laws that facilitate layoffs, 

as well as low wages and nurses quitting due to work overload.

 On Doctors’ Day, a dozen of BeLikeNina's representatives 

and medical workers went to the Ministry of Health in Kyiv 

to try and have Liashko listen to their concerns.

 But they weren’t allowed to enter the building due to 

bureaucratic procedures and additional wartime security measures.

 Ukraine's healthcare reform, which began in 2018, aimed to 

move from financing hospitals to financing the needs of patients,

to reduce state expenditure and corruption and make healthcare 

more accessible for Ukrainians.

 But medics say it has introduced problems ranging from 

unpaid wages to hospital closures.

 Olga Turochka, a paediatric surgeon from the city of Shostka, 

in Ukraine’s north-eastern Sumy Oblast, is one such medic 

who believes she was punished for standing up to the reforms.

 Turochka says doctors at her hospital, which is located in 

a war zone, were not paid their full salary for three months 

this year – despite there being a shortage of medics.


 [단독] 러시아-우크라이나 전쟁 장기화에 무너지는 도시 필수의료체계… 

키이우 ‘최악의 도시’ 됐다


 27일 천지일보가 입수한 우크라이나 수도 키이우 시립병원

(Kyiv Regional Clinical Hospital)의 집단 호소문에 따르면 현재 

의사와 간호사 등 의료 전문인력에 응당 지급돼야 할 최소 보수가 

수개월째 밀리는 등 전쟁으로 의료상황이 악화하고 있는 것으로 드러났다.

 집단 호소문은 현재 열악한 의료 일선 상황을 고발하고 당국이 

약속한 우크라이나 건강관리기본법에 따른 최저보수를 보장할 것을 

요구하는 내용을 골자로 한다. 

 특히 젤렌스키 대통령 내각이 지난 1월 13일 채택한 최소 의료 

서비스 제공 관련 결의안을 그 근거로 들어 작업 요율에 따른 

최소 보수를 의무적으로 지원해야 하지만, 현재 지켜지지 않고 

있는 데다 지난 2월부터 제대로 지급되지 않고 있다고 지적했다.

 이에 따르면 시간당 작업 요율 최소 보수는 의사·약사의 경우 

한달 2만 흐리브냐(우크라이나 통화, 약 70만원), 인턴 의사·약사의 

경우 1만 3500 흐리브냐(약 47만원)가 지급돼야 한다. 

 그러나 현재 마취과 전문의와 간호사, 초음파 의사 등 많은 

의료 전문가들이 이러한 최소한의 처우를 받지 못하고 있었다.

 이들 단체는 “이미 극심한 간호사 부족 현상을 겪고 있다. 

동료 중에도 저임금으로 사직한 이들이 많은 데다 지금도 

많은 이들이 다른 분야에서 일자리를 찾고 있다”


우크라이나군 임시진료소 수술실.PNG

출처 : 해외 네티즌 반응 - 가생이닷컴https://www.gasengi.com

가생이닷컴 운영원칙
알림:공격적인 댓글이나 욕설, 인종차별적인 글, 무분별한 특정국가 비난글등 절대 삼가 바랍니다.