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작성일 : 23-10-05 12:07
[뉴스] 의약품 도난과 행정 기능 마비, 남베트남화된 우크라이나
 글쓴이 : 혁신정치
조회 : 1,182  

 우크라이나 국립병원이 정부 온라인 플랫폼으로
의약품 요청하면 빨라도 2주 뒤 오고 어떤 건
6개월 뒤 온적도 있다네요.

 그래서, 기사에 나온 의사는 필요 의약품 90%를
기부자들에게서 얻어왔답니다.

 외국 기부 의약품을 우크라 병원들에 나눠주는
봉사하고 있는 또다른 의사는 7월에 네덜란드서
3680만원어치 의약품이 들어온 거 말곤 올 4월
이후로 대규모 의약품 기부가 없었다 하구요.

 그리고, 이 의사의 동료 의사에 따르면 기부 의약품
도난이 빈번하답니다.

 Dwindling donations alarm Ukraine’s frontline hospitals




 Every day brings new challenges for Mykhailo Danilyuk. 

 The 34-year-old surgeon has been operating on wounded 

patients since Russia launched its full-scale invasion of Ukraine, 

splitting his time between three hospitals.


 “In a 24-hour shift, I usually do at least five surgeries, but 

my record is 12 — not counting minor soft tissue injuries,” he said. 


 Currently, state hospitals overseen by Ukraine’s Ministry of 

Health are legally mandated to procure supplies through the 

use of ProZorro — a digital platform designed to encourage 

competition among medical suppliers and transparency for 

the public. 


 Even when all goes well, it can take two weeks before the 

orders are delivered. Sometimes it takes longer.


 “One order took six months to arrive,” Danilyuk explained. 

“When the wounded arrive, as they are now, as they did 

yesterday, and as they will tomorrow, we constantly need 

to replenish. And if we run out of a specific item, it is much 

faster to call a volunteer and tell them what we’re short of. 

 I’d say 90 percent of what I use comes from volunteers.”


 Forty-five-year-old ophthalmologist Serhiy Malyshev is a 

leading figure in Zaporizhzhia’s volunteer network, helping 

to source medical supplies. 


 Malyshev and his team have helped deliver over €150,000 

worth of medical supplies donated from abroad, with one 

truckload from supporters in the Netherlands worth €26,000 

arriving in July. At the time of writing, no other large donations 

had been pledged since April. 


 “The first problem is the government isn’t supplying enough 

of what we need fast enough. The second problem is that 

medicines and equipment travel through Lviv, Kyiv and Dnipro. 

 By the time it gets to us, maybe 1 percent of these goods are 

left,” Danilyuk explained.


 “I’ve heard many stories about humanitarian aid being stolen,” 

said Dr. Andriy Nykonenko, a colleague of Malyshev who is 

based in western Ukraine.



출처 : 해외 네티즌 반응 - 가생이닷컴https://www.gasengi.com

가생이닷컴 운영원칙
알림:공격적인 댓글이나 욕설, 인종차별적인 글, 무분별한 특정국가 비난글등 절대 삼가 바랍니다.
bf109 23-10-05 14:10
남베트남이 북베트남제 전차 수백 대씩 노획해서 써먹고 그랬나봐?

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아니라 하면 아닌 게 됩니까?
력삼동 23-10-05 14:15
미친 넘들 진짜 많구나
우크라이나가 남베트남인데  전진 못하는 러시아는
베트공 아래 급이란 소리구먼 ㅋㅋㅋ, 베트공은 전진만했다 ㅋㅋㅋ
  근데 어디서 강대국 행세야
하다하다 그런  존만이 러시아를  빠네 ㅎㅎ