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작성일 : 11-08-07 23:22
영국 런던서 다문화 폭동 ..그 사진들...아수라장
 글쓴이 : 슈퍼파리약
조회 : 2,413  

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영국 런던 북부의 토튼햄에서 29세 남성이 경찰 총격에 사망한 것을 계기로 6일(현지시각) 폭동이 일어났다.

이날 저녁 시위대가 토튼햄 경찰서 앞에 모여 경찰 총격으로 인한 남성의 사망에 항의해 "정의"를 외치며 경찰과 대립하다 경찰차 2대와 건물 1채, 이층버스가 불탔다.

시위자는 400~500명가량이며, 일부가 가게 유리창을 깨고 약탈을 자행해 도시 전체에 사이렌 소리가 울리는 등 당국이 급히 지원병력을 파견하고 있다고 지역 주민이 전했다.

토튼햄은 영국에서 가장 생활수준이 낮은 장소 중 하나로, 인종 간 대립과 경찰에 대한 반감, 폭력시위가 극심한 곳으로도 알려졌다


Tottenham's burning: Riot police on horseback are drafted in as a double decker bus is alight in the background

Tottenham's burning: Riot police on horseback are drafted in as a double decker bus is alight in the background

London's burning: Building are alight after being torched by youths during an attempted arrest last night

London's burning: Building are alight after being torched by youths during an attempted arrest last night

There was concern that the disturbances were fanned by Twitter, with some of those taking part posting inflammatory comments from the scene and calling for reinforcements.

One picture of a police car on fire in the area was re-tweeted more than 100 times on the social networking site within an hour.

Mr Duggan, 29, was shot by officers from the Metropolitan Police’s CO19 unit on Thursday evening after the minicab he was travelling in was stopped. There was an apparent ‘exchange’ of fire and a bullet was found lodged in a police radio.

The red double decker burns. The trouble started at around 5.30pm as the protest began

The red double decker burns. The trouble started at around 5.30pm as the protest began

Into the storm: A police officer in riot gear stands looking at a burning car on the night riots returned to north London following a fatal shooting

Into the storm: A police officer in riot gear stands looking at a burning car on the night riots returned to north London following a fatal shooting

A double decker bus burns as riot police try to contain a large group of people
A double decker bus burns as riot police try to contain a large group of people

Twitter riot: A red London double decker bus burns as riot police try and bring rioting under control in Tottenham late last night

Police try and control a huge crowd of people as a shop burns. In the front of the picture a police car sits burnt out

Police try and control a huge crowd of people as a shop burns. In the front of the picture a police car sits burnt out

Mr Duggan died at the scene and an officer was injured, but left hospital after treatment.

The violence last night started soon after a crowd of about 120 had begun to gather at the High Road, near Tottenham Hotspur’s football ground, from about 5.30pm

Their target was the police station which was being guarded late last night by lines of officers and police vans. As the disorder spread, and the numbers of demonstrators swelled, two police cars being used to block the road were set ablaze by masked youths.

Flames began to billow from a shop and then a double-decker bus was engulfed in flames and quickly reduced to a twisted shell. Witnesses also reported seeing a jewellery shop and a bookmakers being looted. Teenagers and younger children were seen carrying valuables through the shattered glass front of an electrical shop.

London riots: The burnt out shell of a police car in north London as yobs go on the rampage in Haringey following the death of father-of-four mark Duggan

London riots: The burnt out shell of a police car in north London as yobs go on the rampage in Haringey following the death of father-of-four mark Duggan

Windows were smashed at a Barclays Bank and pictures on Twitter appeared to show the building being looted. There were also reports that youths had stormed McDonald’s and had started frying their own burgers and chips.

Footage was posted on YouTube of local solicitor’s office Attridge on fire.

Resident David Akinsanya, 46, who was on the scene, said: ‘It’s really bad. There are two police cars on fire. I’m feeling unsafe. It looks like it’s going to get very tasty. I saw a guy getting attacked.’

A local woman, who declined to give her name, said: ‘There’s a theory going on that the man who was shot had dropped his gun, but they still shot him. I’m hearing that most of the shops in the High Road are being burgled and robbed.’

Masked youths outside a Barclays Bank which has had its window smashed during the chaos

Masked youths outside a Barclays Bank which has had its window smashed during the chaos

A shot is attacked by arsonists on Tottenham High Road during protests tonight a quarter of a century after the infamous Broadwater Farm riots

A shot is attacked by arsonists on Tottenham High Road during protests tonight a quarter of a century after the infamous Broadwater Farm riots

Several fire crews could only stand ready nearby as they were barred from the High Road where buildings and the bus were ablaze.

One fireman complained to The Mail on Sunday that earlier, three engines had been dispatched to the scene without being warned they were entering a riot zone. He said: ‘We were sent to a road accident but it was the police cars on fire.

‘We were then ordered to leave them burning and to drive off, probably for our own safety.

‘I cannot believe what we have just driven through. As we pulled out of the station, there was a car on fire on the High Road and there were people in the middle of the road – it was very scary. We didn’t give them a chance to try to stop us. I am still shaking.’

Hooded youths use aerosol cans to set fire to shelves of goods inside a retail store on Tottenham High Road after ransacking the premises

Hooded youths use aerosol cans to set fire to shelves of goods inside a retail store on Tottenham High Road after ransacking the premises

London's burning: A police car after rioters set it ablaze during a civil disturbace inTottenham High Road outside the police station

London's burning: A police car after rioters set it ablaze during a civil disturbace inTottenham High Road outside the police station

Meanwhile, two Mail on Sunday photographers were viciously beaten and robbed by masked youths armed with crowbars and other makeshift weapons and reporters on the scene were threatened by looters in balaclavas.

The photographers said there was ‘total lawlessness’ in the area with the contents of shops strewn across the streets and the police unable to gain access.

One said: ‘It is utter carnage out there. We have been beaten up quite badly and had about £8,000 of equipment stolen. We were quite discreet but as soon as we got a camera out we were set on by youths with masks who were armed with crowbars.’

A woman walks through the debris with two children as riot police try to contain a large group of people on a main road in Tottenham

A woman walks through the debris with two children as riot police try to contain a large group of people on a main road in Tottenham

In a separate incident, a Mail on Sunday reporter was chased down a side street and struck on the back of the head with a rock.

In a parallel with the 1985 riot, residents claimed the roots of last night’s violence lay in allegations of police harassment.

John Blake, who grew up with Mr Duggan on the Broadwater estate, claimed the dead man had been victimised by police in recent weeks.

He said: ‘I know the police were harassing him. The police were following him. If you’re from Broadwater Farm, police are on you every day, you’re not allowed to come off the estate. If you come off the estate they follow you.’

Ablaze: A police car burns in Tottenham, North London on Saturday evening

Ablaze: A police car burns in Tottenham, North London on Saturday evening

Chaos: An estimated 300 people were on the streets in north London as news of the riots was spread via Twitter

Chaos: An estimated 300 people were on the streets in north London as news of the riots was spread via Twitter

A family friend of Mr Duggan, who gave her name only as Nikki, 53, said the man’s friends and relatives had organised the protest because ‘something has to be done’ and the marchers wanted ‘justice for the family’.

Some of those involved lay in the road to make their point, she said.

A huge fireball lights up the night sky as yobs go on the rampage

A huge fireball lights up the night sky as yobs go on the rampage

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2023254/Tottenham-riots-Double-decker-bus-set-ablaze-mob-violence-hits-London.html#ixzz1UJkhVKDS

출처 : 해외 네티즌 반응 - 가생이닷컴https://www.gasengi.com

가생이닷컴 운영원칙
알림:공격적인 댓글이나 욕설, 인종차별적인 글, 무분별한 특정국가 비난글등 절대 삼가 바랍니다.
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