Republican Presidential Debate

Fiorina: I will run on my record all day long

Board fired you, why should we hire you now? Fiorina answers
Board fired you, why should we hire you now? Fiorina answers

Carly Fiorina defended her record at Hewlett-Packard on Wednesday during the Republican debate.

"I will run on my record all day long," she said.

Fiorina, who served as the company's CEO, said that as a top executive she was held accountable and had to be transparent.

"If I misrepresented those results or projections in any way I was held criminally liable. Imagine if a politician were held to that standard of account," she said.

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Wednesday marked the third Republican primary debate.

The latest Monmouth University poll — released Monday — showed Ben Carson leading the field in Iowa by double digits, while Donald Trump held tight in second place.

Catch up with our live debate coverage here or watch it live here.