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작성일 : 13-11-16 17:53
[초현실] ISON이 태양에 가까워지면서 더 밝아졋답니다.
 글쓴이 : 펜펜
조회 : 2,254  

A sudden outburst of brightness from sundiving Comet ISON has catapulted it to the threshold of naked-eye visibility. "I've been imaging Comet ISON every morning," reports amateur astronomer Charles Coburn. of Rescue, CA. "Today, to my surprise, I could see it on my DSLR live preview screen." These two images show the comet on consecutive days as photographed by Coburn using the same camera and telescope settings

Reports like Coburn's are coming in from around the world. Apparently, during the early hours of Nov. 14th Comet ISON surged in brightness by a factor of approximately 6. In terms of astronomical magnitudes, it jumped from +8 to +6. If the trend continues, it could be a faint but easy naked-eye object by the end of the week.

The sudden uptick in brightness could be caused by a fresh vein of ice opening up in the comet's nucleus. Rapid vaporization of ice by solar heat is a sure-fire way to boost a comet's visibility. But, as NASA's Comet ISON Observing Campaign states, "we have no idea." The comet's nucleus is hidden from view by a hazy green atmosphere, so events in the interior remain a mystery.

"I have a strong suspicion that this is Comet LINEAR (C/1999 S4) all over again," says Mark Kidger of the ESA's European Space Astronomy Centre in Madrid. In the year 2000, Kidger other astronomers monitored Comet LINEAR as it disintegrated en route to the sun. "The sudden appearance of ISON's gas tail (discussed further below), the increasing fuzziness of its coma, and now this sudden outburst all remind me of C/1999 S4 just before it broke apart."

To reiterate: No one knows what is happening to Comet ISON. This could be the comet's death throes--or just the first of many brightening events the comet experiences as it plunges toward the sun for a close encounter on Thanksgiving Day (Nov. 28th).

Monitoring is encouraged. Comet ISON rises in the east just before the sun. Amateur astronomers, if you have a GOTO telescope, enter these coordinates. Dates of special interest include Nov. 17th and 18th when the comet will pass the bright star Spica, making ISON extra-easy to find. Sky maps: Nov. 1516171819. 

대략적인 해석은

윗글에 따르면, 대략적으로 하루사이에 일어나기 힘든 별의 밝기의 변화가 일어났다는 것을 말하고 있는데요. 

빚의 발기가 하루만에 겉보기등급이 6~8정도 낮아졌다는 의미로, ( 등급이 낮아지면 별의밝기가 밝아짐) 

하루사이에 250~ 1600배 정도 밝아졌다고 보고 있다는 것으로, 이런 현상은 거리가 갑자기 가까워지지 않는 한 

일어나기 힘든 현상이며, 관측자들은 코마주위에 수증기나 기타등등이 태양에너지에 의해 융해되면서 

일어난 현상이 아닌가 라고 의심하고 있지만 나사측에서는 노코멘트와 모르겠다. 말하고 있다고 합니다. 

유럽천문학자들에 의견은 혜성이 쪼개지기 전에 일어나는 현상일수도 있다고 말하고 있네요.


출처 : 해외 네티즌 반응 - 가생이닷컴https://www.gasengi.com

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